
NZ First STEM Drone NCEA achievement stand. 91890 Conduct inquiry to propose a digital tech outcome

NZ’s First STEM Drone NCEA achievement standards 91880 Develop a digital media outcome

Community organisations and schools, contact us now on our website.

Learn to fly & code a drone! Three opportunities to unleash the legends inside every student:

Drone Legends Experience: A two-hour flying a coding experience (taste the magic) of Drone Legends

Drone Legends Mission Day: Pursue a mission, with all safety equipment like a professional, over four hours at your local school or community hub

Drone Legends School Partner: With expert training and Aotearoa-based support, gain access to the Mission Guides, a supplied drone, all mission equipment and safety equipment… and the amazing online lesson portal!

This is a 12-month license with Drone Legends USA & Aotearoa https://uard.university/drone-legends… NZ’s First STEM Drone NCEA achievement standards 91880 Develop a digital media outcome Our Drone Legends Aoteroa HQ is at the Takanini Community Hub! Drone Legends is available nationwide.

Discover more from University of Applied Research & Development www.uard.university

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